“What is it? Are molds harmful?”

Molds, according to scientific researches of the biologists, are living organisms belonging to the fungi family. They thrive in dark and humid places. It is usually characterized with sticky velvety appearance and can usually be found on dead animals and rotten foods. It gives off a pungent odor that is too much to handle.

If your house is well kept cleaned you need not to worry at all. For busy parents who couldn’t find time going into the detailed checking on the cleanliness of the house and those people who have left their homes unoccupied for quite some time, there is a great possibility of mold build up somewhere in the house.

Molds produce “mycotoxin” that is dangerous to human. It can damage the brain when exposures to such molds are prolonged. Here are some bad signs that could have been caused of having the mold invade the house for too long:

  1. Difficulty of breathing. Having quick panic attacks due to the “can’t breathe” feeling. You cough and might cause your lungs to swell.
  2. Dizzy feeling
  3. Poor eyesight coordination.

These health problems can be prevented. Have your house inspected for mold presence. The mold inspection will be done in three phases:

1. Check for the mold appearances.

2. Identify water problem which could be the number one cause of mold build up.

3. Point out the exact location and its root foundation.

Chicago Mold Testing Agency has the expertise in finding molds in your house even to the tiniest yet dangerous molds and expertly eradicates it.

If you have the above mentioned signs, don’t wait for the problem to get worse. Call Chicago Mold Testing Agency. We are here to help you.